The purpose of the Church, universal and local is the worship of God the Holy Trinity and to bring as many people as possible to the knowledge and saving love of God in Jesus Christ.

Saint Andrew’s does this in three ways:

  • through worship
  • through teaching and pastoral care
  • through outreach and service to the community

To do this requires adequate resources:

  • spiritual
  • human
  • financial

Mission is therefore understood as Christian:

  • belief
  • life
  • activity

Mission is the responsibility through the prayer and action of every member of the Church and is specifically focused in our outreach and service to the community.

Our objectives

  • to offer God’s gift of eternal life to each and every member of our parish
  • the incorporation of those who accept this gift into the believing, worshipping and active life of the church
  • to demonstrate God’s love by service to the community
  • to provide a place of spiritual sanctuary