St Andrew’s is delighted to welcome children and adults into membership of the church with the sacrament of Baptism, sometimes called Christening.
This generally takes place during the Sunday 11.00am Mass so that the whole church community can welcome and celebrate its new members.
You should normally approach your own parish for Baptism. If you are not sure which parish you live in then you can check by visiting and searching via your postcode.
You or your child could also be Baptised at St Andrew’s if you have attended for six months or more and are on the electoral roll.
If you live in our parish and would like to apply for a baptism then please come to Church any Sunday morning for the 11.00am service and afterwards speak to one of the church wardens who will be pleased to help you with the arrangements.
If you live within the area of our parish then you can get married at St Andrew’s. You can also get married here if you fulfil one of the following:
One of you:
- has at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or
- was baptised in the parish or
- was prepared for confirmation in the parish or
- has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months or
One of your parents, at any time after you were born:
- has lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or
- has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months or
One of your parents or grandparents:
- was married in the parish
If you can show that you meet one of these criteria then please come to Church any Sunday morning for the 11.00am service and afterwards speak to one of our church wardens who will be delighted to help you fill in an application form and plan your wedding at St Andrew’s.
When a death occurs it is never an easy time. You are always welcome to talk to us about the death of a loved one. When it comes to the practicalities, to arrange a funeral, in the first instance you should contact an undertaker who will advise you of the process and then liaise with the Church to find a time for the service which is suitable for all concerned.